25 Life-Changing Lessons From a Doctor Just Like You!

Dr. John F. has been a member with us since October 2005 and has spent the past several years absorbing knowledge from Jay through on-site trainings, workshops, events, media products, and his Scheduling Institute Coaching Membership. He has continually recommitted himself to the growth and success of his practice, and has compiled some of the Life Lessons he has learned from Jay and the Scheduling Institute in the letter below! Take it from a doctor who has been there himself, in the small town of Iron Mountain, MI. Let his success be a testament to investing in your Human Capital (which includes yourself AND your team) and the power of the untapped potential that it can produce!


Scheduling Institute Coaching Paved my Path to Success

scheduling institute coaching Dear Jay and everyone at the Scheduling Institute,

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my metamorphosis in the way I think because of my exposure to you, Jay, and your team at Scheduling Institute. I truly have learned a number of life lessons, a few of which I will share now:

1)    Success has less to do with hard work and more to do with massive focus on your few best opportunities.

2)    Don’t resist change… it’s the main source of growth.

3)    The more you invest in growing and developing your mindset and way of viewing the world, the more everything you touch transforms in a breathtakingly positive way.
4)    Pursuing perfection really does matter, especially in a world where many accept mediocrity.
5)    Spending full days with zero technology to refuel or do important work is a game-changer.
6)     Doing something super nice for at least one stranger a day gives them a gift and an even larger one to you.
7)     The smartest thing you can do to grow a great company is to first get A-players on your team and then train and develop them so they play their A-game.

8)     Have the discipline to clean out all the energy-draining people in your life. You really do rise or fall to the level of your associations.
9)     Pursuing huge dreams we have never done before can be frightening. Yet when we push to the edge of our limits, our limits expand.
10)    If you don’t take time for yourself to get inspired, no one around you will ever get inspired.
11)    Your diet affects your mood. Eat like a superstar.
12)    Talk less. Do more. It’s that simple.

13)    Integrity is more valuable than income.

14)    When your dominant business focus is to deliver outrageous amounts of value to your patients every time they do business with you, they become fanatical followers who tell the world about what you do.
15)    Money invested in personal development and professional growth has a multiple return on investment.
16)    Real leaders have the guts to have the hard conversations.
17)    Our biggest enemy is our own self-doubt. We really can achieve extraordinary things in our lives. But we sabotage our greatness because of our fear.
18)    Drink more water.
19)    Be involved in a mastermind group like your Scheduling Institute Coaching program. It is absolutely remarkable what being in a room full of people who are smarter than yourself does for your performance.
20)    Become one of the rare people who don’t know how to quit.
21)    Always remember that there is food on your table thanks to the patients we are privileged to serve.
22)    Spend time in nature to renew and refuel.

23)    Gratitude is the antidote to misery.

24)    Your self-identity is what really determines your income, influence, impact, and lifestyle.
25)    Life’s short. Have fun.

Jay, thank you for changing me forever! These lessons kick start my mindset and my game so every day starts on an ultra-powerful note. Don’t ever think that you are losing impact. Since I’ve worked with you and your team, I’ve become a better leader. And my potential is greater than ever. You are the best!

Kind regards,
Dr. John F.

Want to hear some of Jay Geier’s strategies that inspire doctors like Dr. John F. first-hand?


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